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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Best Forex Trading Posts of March 2010

The Rapid Forex Blog had 51 posts in March, 2010. This is virtually the equivalent of an entire "Forex for Dummies" style book, that rapid forex blog readers received for free. With all that great online forex trading information, there were some amazingly exceptional posts.

Based on number of comments, views, & my own favorites, I've ranked the rapid forex blog posts for March 2010 and listed the 10 BEST forex trading posts online for March 2010.

If you haven't read these posts, you should read them now:

  1. Rapid Forex Supreme Package Re-Release Announced – When I announced that I would re-release the Rapid Forex Supreme Trader Package as a multimedia webinar, this was HOT news for the online forex trading industry. This post has been viewed the most times and has the most comments on the entire rapid forex blog.
  2. 5 Tips for Picking the Best Online Forex Broker – everyone who wants to engage in online forex trading needs to pick a forex broker. This post helps you decide which forex broker you would like to choose as well as my top 5 favorite forex broker picks.
  3. Rapid Forex Scam Watch Gets Your Money Back – everyone knows there are online forex trading scams out there in addition to many reputable companies. Not only does this blog post warn you about these scams, it also gives you a place to report online forex trading scams and get help from me in getting a refund.
  4. How to be a Forex Trading Expert – this was my personal favorite blog post last month. It didn't rank #1 because it was the last post of the month. In one day this post rose to be the 4th most popular post on the whole rapid forex blog. If you want to be successful at trading forex online, apply these steps to attain forex trading mastery in only 30 minutes!
  5. Create Your Trade Plan for Forex Trading – It's wise to have a plan before entering a trade, it's also necessary for forex trading success. These tips will help you make sure all of your bases are covered before you put your forex trading money at risk.
  6. Japanese Candlesticks in Forex Price Charts – Japanese Candlestick Patterns are extremely useful in online forex trading. Each candle reveals tons of information that simply isn't available with bar or line charts.
  7. Support and Resistance in the Forex MarketSupport & resistance are fundamental forex trading concepts that any trader needs to have a firm grasp on. This is also the first time you start to consider entry and exit signals for executing forex trades.
  8. 8 Rules For Successfully Trading Candlestick Formations – Knowing Japanese candle patterns is great. This post shows you how to use them to make forex trading decisions.
  9. Six Killer Forex Trading Strategies – Here's your guide to keep printed by your forex trading station when you're online looking for trades. These guidelines will help you trade according to a plan instead of just reacting to your emotions.
  10. Forex Gambling Mentality Kills Profits – this post shows you why money management is important. When you see how the gambling mindset can turn a successful trader into one that loses money, hopefully you'll follow your money management system without emotionally deviating.

The 10 rapid forex blog posts above are like a little mini online forex trading seminar!

Reading these posts will give you plenty of good ideas and useful forex trading strategies that are sure to make you more successful.

Reader Participation – I'd LOVE to hear which of these posts is your FAVORITE!!! Click Here to leave a comment to let me know your top pick. In a few days I'll update this post with a "reader's choice" blog post for March 2010.



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