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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Forex Market Snapshot Video Tutorials

It’s now the 3rd week of the 90 day forex trading bootcamp. During the first 2 weeks, I intentionally kept the pace slow so that everyone would follow the examples & not feel overwhelmed.
So far, there hasn’t been any losses… There was a 0 loss trade on the USD/CAD & a 30 pip profit on the USD/CHF – some members made more money on both trades, but I got stopped out a little early on both.
The bootcamp is going to speed up a bit…
Last week I wrote a post called the Forex Trading Market Snapshot to show you how to spot forex trading opportunities among the various timeframes of the six major currency pairs.

Market Snapshot Videos

Many of the bootcamp members have had questions about filling in the market snapshot worksheet, so I created 2 video tutorials to explain how I get the symbols I get.
In the original post, I gave some guidelines for filling in the sheet. This made things a little more complicated than I had planned… After thinking about it more deeply & reflecting on what I actually do (the market snapshot was a new tool I created to help you see market patterns), I’ve simplified it.

The New Market Snapshot Guidelines

Use technical analysis to determine whether there is currently an uptrend +, downtrend -, or consolidation (aka no-trend) o.
For the market snapshot worksheet, it’s not important to get the wave in the right pattern, because it will rarely line up. Instead, make sure the entire wave is point in a certain direction. When you look for a trade, you’ll look for the right wave pattern…
Note: You may fill in the market snapshot differently than I do. It’s ok. In some cases there will be a difference of opinion. If you don’t know, put a o. You will get better at this as you continue learning & watching the trades that I do throughout the rest of the bootcamp.

Market Snapshot Video (part 1)

This video shows you how to determine the +, – & o’s on the market snapshot worksheet.

Market Snapshot Video (part 2)

This video shows you how to shade in the boxes so you can look at forex trading opportunities in the market snapshot worksheet.

Forex Trading Bootcamp Update

The bootcamp is going to ramp up a bit with more trades, more videos, and more in depth trade analysis. I’ve had an intentionally slower pace in the beginning to give people a chance to understand before giving too much theory. Now we’re going to go to the next level!


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