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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Growing Forex BALLS

If you’re interested in successful online forex trading, there’s a reason why you’re not successful trading yet…

Forex trading takes some BALLS!

It’s definitely not an endeavor for sissies. That’s right! In order to succeed at online forex trading, you constantly have to take risks…
You’ve probably heard your whole life not to take risks by some of the people closest to you. Just because you’ve heard this from people that care about you, doesn’t mean it’s completely accurate…

The Truth About Risk

It’s absolutely true that whatever you risk as your stop on a forex trade is money that you can LOSE! If the trade goes against you, you lose that money forever. It’ll never come back…
So you’d think that risking money over and over again is bad, right?
Actually risking a smaller amount of money more times is “less risky” over all.
This is because every time you “risk” money on a trade, you have a chance of being right! So the goal is to play the game long enough to win. This is why forex money management is so important (here’s a free video that shows you how to do good forex money management).

Common Sense Example

What’s riskier? Risking your entire trading account on a single trade? Or Risking 1/20th of your account on a single trade?
The answer is obvious that it’s “safer” to only risk 1/20th of your account on a single trade!

What’s Stopping You?

If you’re not trading forex yet, it’s because you’re afraid of losing money. This is either due to a lack of knowledge, or a lack of confidence with the knowledge you have…
There’s an easy cure for this!
You need to start trading. There’s no way around it!
When you start trading:
  • You’ll lose some money
  • You’ll make some money
  • You’ll get more confident as you learn more
  • You’ll get better if you keep trying
  • You’ll learn from mistakes
  • You’ll become naturally curious about chart movements
  • You’ll have new questions that you’ll seek answers to

The REAL Risk?

I don’t suggest for one minute that you risk money you can’t afford to lose. The truth is that you already waste money in various ways.
But don’t let losing a few hundred dollars to learn keep you out of the game. You can start trading with as little $200-$500! This isn’t a ton of money.
There’s an amazing market out there called the Foreign Exchange. It’s there for you to profit from 24 hours a day 5 days a week.
You’re so close to cashing in on it…What are you waiting for?
If you want to become a forex expert, you’re gonna have to grow some balls and take some risks…there’s no way around this fact…nothing ventured, nothing gained!


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