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Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Ratchet for Online Forex Trading

Today I’m explaining a new trading technique called the “Forex Ratchet!”
I introduced this trade during an actual trade on the USD/JPY which was originally posted for live 90 day bootcamp members.
This is a cool new technique that allows you to:
  • Take profits more frequently
  • Lower your risk multiple times during a trade
  • Compound your profits
This is a great way to capture more pips from forex market movements. This is an advanced technique, that should only be attempted after fully understanding Forex Sailing.

Forex Ratchet Trading

The video below explains the ratchet trading process in just 8 minutes:

Forex Ratchet Trading Notes

Here is a quick summary of a fixed ratchet trade from the video above:
  • The 30/10 ratchet
  • Enter Trade, sell 30 pips profit
  • Enter back 10 pips better
  • Repeat
The video above describes a 30/10 fixed ratchet, a future blog post will describe variable ratchets.Other types of fixed ratchets are possible & will be featured in future trades on the rapid forex blog.
The ratchet is a valuable technique for Forex Swimming (scalping), which will be taught in the 2nd half of the 90 day forex trading bootcamp.
Feel free to experiment with ratchets in your trading, I’ll be teaching more about them in future blog posts.


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