Classic Success Literature
Think & Grow Rich is probably the most popular book on becoming wealthy ever written. It was originally an idea that Andrew Carnegie had for a young writer named Napoleon Hill to interview the wealthiest people of their time and discover the secrets of their success.But what does Think & Grow Rich have to do with Forex trading?
The Importance of Specialized Knowledge
One of the key traits of wealthy people was that they all contained specialized knowledge. Only by knowing something that “not everybody else knows” can wealth be achieved. In the forex trading world approximately 98% of traders lose money. To be in the top 2% of profitable traders, you need to have “specialized forex knowledge.”But specialized knowledge of forex isn’t enough, you also need the power of the mastermind…
The Mastermind Principle of Wealth Creation
Another key component of the “Think & Grow Rich” wealth creation formula is the mastermind. A mastermind is when 2 or more minds come together to produce a greater benefit than if they had worked separately.You’ve probably heard that 2 people working together can do the work of 3 men or more working alone. This is the mastermind principle in action.
For forex trading a mastermind involves learning from a real trader. The only way to learn how to trade is to learn from a trader. This makes perfect sense. Doesn’t it?
A Burning Desire for Forex Success
I actually went out of order. This was the very first principle in “Think & Grow Rich.” Without a burning desire for success in anything, whether it be online forex trading, losing weight, or finding a romantic partner, you will only stand a meager chance of success.By having a burning desire & committing to success in trading, you’ll ultimately guarantee your success. This won’t happen until you decide to devote yourself to achieving your goal. If you want to be a successful forex trader, I can certainly teach you how…but you’ll need to look at the charts & find the trades yourself. Nobody will do it for you…
I highly recommend that you read “Think & Grow Rich” in it’s entirety. You can buy a copy at any bookstore, it’s a classic.
If you want to learn how to trade forex successfully, watch for my announcement on the new “Forex Freedom LIVE” online forex trading course to learn from a real life professional currency trader (me), coming soon to
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