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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Paul Kedrosky's Infectious Greed

Paul Kedrosky's Infectious Greed

Declaration of Cyber War

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 01:28 PM PDT

Good VF piece on the disturbing Stuxnet cyber virus:

Last summer, the world's top software-security experts were panicked by the discovery of a drone-like computer virus, radically different from and far more sophisticated than any they'd seen. The race was on to figure out its payload, its purpose, and who was behind it. As the world now knows, the Stuxnet worm appears to have attacked Iran's nuclear program. And, as Michael Joseph Gross reports, while its source remains something of a mystery, Stuxnet is the new face of 21st-century warfare: invisible, anonymous, and devastating.

Read it here.

Dating, Mating and Race

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 12:01 PM PDT

From a fascinating new OKCupid study, the relationship between dating, mating and race. Nuanced and sophisticated treatment of difficult subject. Here is a pop-normalized graph of messages received by race on the dating service -- Asians rule.


Mark Bezos on Making a Difference

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 11:33 AM PDT

One of my favorite short talks from this year's TED University: NYC volunteer firefighter Mark Bezos on making a difference.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now



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