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Monday, March 28, 2011



Forex Ladder Exceeds Expectations

Posted: 27 Mar 2011 02:17 PM PDT

A few months ago I claimed that the Forex Ladder could make 100+ pips per week with 15 minutes of effort per day.

I was actually lowballing it because I knew it sounded unbelievable. At the risk of sounding crazy, I recently published the *actual* results of 226 pips/week a few days ago.

Complete Trading Course

For the past 3 months I’ve been teaching the Forex Ladder exclusively in the LIVE Forex Training class.

I’ve now taken the entire forex ladder trading method and put it into a comprehensive downloadable video course.

Here’s What You Get:

The Forex Ladder Trading Course is broken into Six Video Modules:

Module #1. Forex For Beginners - The Basics of how the forex market works.

Module #2. Forex Ladder Introduction – An introduction to the Forex Ladder calculator. Explains why the forex ladder works.

Module #3. Directional Movements - Never before taught method for spotting price trends in less than 30 seconds. I use this SAME method to scan ALL 16 currency pairs in less than 4 minutes each day. Works with ANY trading method, but particuarly powerful with the Forex Ladder method.

Module #4. Basic Ladder Trading - The simplified Forex Ladder trading method. Great for Beginners or people with *tiny* (<$500) trading accounts.

Module #5. Ladder Matrix - The complete Forex Ladder Matrix Trading System. Designed for maximum gain on currency price movements.

Module #6. Money Management - Manage your trade sizes, calculate risk, and keep your account safe. Specifically tailored to the Forex Ladder Trading System.

Appendix. PDF Notes - Complete PDF notes for the entire Forex Ladder Trading course. Print these out for reference, and make your own notes in the margins.

The “Tool”. Forex Ladder Calculator - This tool calculates buy, sell, stop & limit targets for your Forex Ladder trades. Just enter high, low and close prices.

Sweet Bonus. FREE LIVE Training Access – For a VERY limited time, I am including 90 DAYS of LIVE Forex Training Access, at no extra charge when you grab the new Forex Ladder Homestudy Course (click here to see if this bonus is still available).

For a limited time, I’m ALSO offering the complete Forex Ladder video course at a significant discount so that MORE PEOPLE (including YOU) have a chance to start creating your Forex Fortune. I look forward to helping you achieve personal forex mastery & making this a SUPER SPRING SEASON!

Related posts:

  1. Forex Sailing Review and Reader Feedback
  2. LIVE Forex Training Released
  3. Back to School for Forex Freedom



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