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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Big Picture

The Big Picture

Thar’s Gold in Them Thar Hills!

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 03:30 AM PDT


No more calls, we have a winner:



Atlanta Fed’s Forecast for 2015 Q1

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 02:00 AM PDT

Masters in Business: Meb Faber of Cambria Investments

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 12:00 PM PDT

This week, the "Masters in Business" radio podcast features Mebane Faber, chief investment officer of Cambria Investments.

Faber explains how his investing approach has evolved from his days as a biotech analyst to becoming a quant “lite.” He describes how exchanged-traded funds are developed and marketed, and the typical mistakes that many investors make.

His books include “The Ivy Portfolio,” “Shareholder Yield: A Better Approach to Dividend Investing,” and most recently, “Global Value: How to Spot Bubbles, Avoid Market Crashes, and Earn Big Returns in the Stock Market.”

Listen to the podcast at Bloomberg, on Apple iTunes or SoundCloud. All of our prior podcasts are now available on iTunes.

Next week, we speak with Charles Ellis, former chairman of the Yale Endowment Fund, and author of “Winning the Losers Game.”



German Equities Up 40% Over Past Five Months

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 09:30 AM PDT

German stocks have increased 40% over the past five months. Combined with the euro depreciation and lower oil prices it all points to more upside risk to the economic outlook for Europe.

Source: Torsten Sløk, Deutsche Bank Research

RWM Coming to San Francisco and Silicon Valley in May!

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 05:30 AM PDT

The week of May 4-8th, we will be in San Francisco and Silicon Valley meeting with clients, presenting to a few tech firms, and generally enjoying the Bay area.

To those of you who may be familiar with our investing philosophy but want to learn how we actually manage assets, please contact us. This visit presents an opportunity to have a more in depth and personal conversation. If you are interested in meeting with us, hearing our views on the markets, or simply discussing your own personal financial planning, give us an email or call.

Send email to Info -at- RitholtzWealth -dot- com, with the subject "San ."

Or call 212-455-9122 and ask for Erika.


10 Tuesday AM Reads

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 04:30 AM PDT

The world keeps spinning, the news keeps flowing, and we sort it all out for you with our morning train reads:

• Hedge Funds Are Boosting Tech Valuations to Dangerous Heights (Bloomberg)
• A Scary Movie: Filling Your 401(k) With Company Stock (NY Times)
• China Wants to Buy Europe (Bloomberg View) see also An update on Asian equities – upward explosion ahead (Peter L Brandt)
• Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: France, Germany and Italy said to join (The Guardian)
• Why we’re all overconfident (PRIsee also How Emotional Intelligence Can Make You a Better Investor (Institutional Investor)

Continues here





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