When Rapid Forex relaunched as a blog on February 21st, I got several emails that I haven't had a way to deal with…
Until Now!
Many of the rapid forex blog readers have been telling me that there are hundreds of forex scams out there. To help expose these online forex trading scams, I've created a new blog feature, The Rapid Forex Scam Watch.
From this point forward, I'll be monitoring the Internet for reports of fake forex trading courses, fradulent forex investment schemes, and just down right forex rip-offs.
I've seen some of these forex trading scams circulating online, but now I'm going to help to prevent you & others from being burned.
4 Benefits of Blogging About Online Forex Trading Scams:
- Pressure will be put on the forex scam to refund money to victims.
- The forex scammer will be forced out of business.
- Forex traders will be warned to avoid the forex scammer.
- Traders who have been scammed will have a place to report their grievances.
Of course I'll also be sharing the very best resources with you on the rapid forex blog as well.
Rapid Forex Scam Watch Begins With You
I've already found a few Forex scams, which I'll be reporting in the new Rapid Forex Scam Watch section of this blog. But rather than just picking an anonymous scam out of thin air (there are many), I wanted it to be more personal.
Here's what I need you to do:
- Report any forex trading website that's scammed you out of money.
- Explain how they scammed you (i.e. why you think they are a scam).
- Post your grievance as a comment to this blog post.
I'm going to take the top scams reported by Rapid Forex blog readers and then do some more research and discover the truth about the scam. I'm going to put pressure on the scammers by creating blog posts explaining how they're scamming people, and share people's stories who they have scammed. I'll find more people that they've scammed.
I'm going to contact them and ask them to give you a refund. If they issue refunds and you confirm it, I'll post that on the blog as well. I think it's only fair to allow the "scammer" to try and make things right and clear their name. If they refund everyone's money, I'll post that too.
If you've been burnt, you might never see that money again. I think it's worth a try. Rapid Forex holds enough weight in the online forex trading world that I'm confident that I could help many of you get your money back.
To try and get your money back and warn other forex traders about malicious forex trading scams, please post your "I was scammed" experience as a comment below:
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