Mobile Forex Trading Lifestyle
I'm now officially on the road. Here is my new job description:
- Login to my forex trading account for 30 minutes a day (maximum).
- Spend no more than 60 minutes a day sharing my experience with you on this blog.
- Exercise for 60 minutes a day to get in top shape.
- Have fun for the rest of the day
The most beautiful part is that I really am only looking at forex trading charts online for 15-30 minutes a day. I'm either looking for a forex trading opportunitity, or adjusting an existing trade. That's it!
Totally Simple Forex Trading
Forex Sailing is a completely laid back style of forex trading online. Everybody wants to work less, yet most forex trading systems require you to be glued to your screen for hours per day.
Since you won't be trading forex excessively, you won't have to pay as many commissions and give back your big gains. Forex Sailing focuses only on the super-sweet trades and ignores the risky ones.
Forex Sailing is completely different. When I say that you won't spend more than 30 minutes a day looking for forex trading opportunities online, that's EXACTLY what I mean!
When Can You Start Sailing the Forex?
Forex Sailing is a FREE online forex trading seminar (webinar) that I've been putting together for a few weeks now.
I'm also enjoying the freedom of the forex lifestyle and working for only a few hours a day (I work so I can have enough money to enjoy life, but no more than that).
I've been working overtime (4 whole hours a day) to be able to teach you Forex Sailing.
It'll be ready to share Forex Sailing with you soon. When you have access to it you'll see how this really cool forex trading system will only require part time effort. This way you can work on replacing your job with whatever you would like to do in your life

Mobile Forex Trading Setup
I’m still adjusting to life on the road. I’m in and out of various resorts and still looking for quiet places to work. I’m also figuring out how to use my new camera and video recorder to share my mobile forex lifestyle experiences with you on the rapid forex blog. Here’s my first video:
I’m working on some new templates to be able to share this amazing forex journey with you. So hang tight & know that tons of cool forex training is on it’s way to you

Aloha from Maui,
Brian Campbell
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