“I No Longer Have to Work For Money”
You heard that correctly, I don’t work for money. In fact, for the first time in my life I’m truly wealthy. I’m not just doing ok, I’m extremely wealthy! Oddly enough it wasn’t that hard to achieve.Before you get bent out of shape that I’m bragging, I need to clarify what I mean by wealth. There’s a difference between how much wealth you have, and how much money you have.
A Real Definition of Wealth
True wealth only has a fraction to do with how much money you have. While it’s true that more money will empower you in a greater way than less, just having more money doesn’t automatically make you wealthy. Since many people have a vague notion that amassing more money will create wealth, I’m going to define wealth for real.“Wealth is having enough money to do whatever you want, whenever you want.”This definition is relative. It’s different for everyone. It has to be because we all have different desires. We’re all different people.
How Can I Claim I’m Wealthy?
This is an easy question to answer.I’m living my ultimate fantasy every day. I’m currently on Maui, which is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in the world. I love to ride my moped along the coastline for hours. I go snorkeling & swimming in the ocean all the time. I hike through the rainforest in a number of hidden valleys & have amazing experiences doing so.
I live across the street from the beach. I’m not restricted by finances. If I want to go to Italy, Thailand, Australia, China, or South Africa tomorrow I can easily do so.
I love music. I listen to 6-10 albums a day. I have time to play my ukulele for hours. I’ve been writing new songs, which I haven’t done in about a decade.
I’ve also started writing poetry again. This was a major passion of mine as a teenager. I’ve been published in every literary magazine in every school I ever attended, usually with only a single submission.
I’ve got time for people who are important to me. My relationships with people are getting more meaningful every day. I have time to do nice things for others.
I don’t answer to anybody. I don’t have to apologize to anybody.
Every single day that I walk and breathe on this planet is the BEST day that I’ve ever lived! I walk around with a smile constantly. I can’t tell you how amazing my life is. If I did, you wouldn’t believe me. It’s awesome & I love every second of it!
How Do I have Enough Money?
Simple answer again.I’m a forex trader AND I manage my money properly. It doesn’t matter how much money you make, if you don’t manage it properly, you’ll never be wealthy. Fortunately, I’ve already shared this secret in a prior post called “What to Do With Money So You Get Rich.”
My “work” involves me looking at an open window on my computer screen a few times a day. Then I just wait to collect money. It’s not work by any stretch of the imagination. I PLAY for a living doing the things I enjoy in life.
The New Rich
![The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris is a neoclassic on creating financial freedom](http://rapidforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/4-hour-work-week-updated-ex-300x260.jpg)
My friend John Reese is one of the most successful entrepreneurs ever online. I got to know John when he became famous online for making $1 million in 24 hours. He was the first person to do so. He’s also living this lifestyle.
But you don’t have to be John Reese to have it made. We’re starting a revolution. I’ll be sharing more about this in future blog posts.
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