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Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Forex Trading Method – Forex Ladder

Last week in the LIVE Forex Training I unveiled a new online forex trading technique that I call “The Forex Ladder.
We followed 2 currency pairs & made 245 pips profit with ONLY 10 minutes worth of work per day.  I’ll explain how below…

Buy Low Sell High

Any stock trader will tell you how to make money trading. You have to buy low & sell high. You can also sell high & buy low. In the forex the order you do this in isn’t important. It’s all about getting the right price.

The Forex Ladder

I’ve created a system that allows you to buy low & sell high, while simultaneously managing risk & reward. It’s ok to take on more risk if there’s a good enough reward for doing so.

What is the Forex Ladder?

Each day you log into your online forex trading account and place SIX entry orders. You do this at roughly the same time each day. It takes about 10-15 minutes and then you’re completely done until the next day.

Currency Pairs Followed

I’ve been developing the Forex Ladder for several years. For the first time ever, I shared the results with the LIVE Forex Training class that I teach every day on this website.
Last week we followed the USD/JPY & USD/CAD. Here are the results:

USD/JPY Trade Results

On the picture below there is a green line to represent every time I went long and a red line to represent every time I went short. The thicker lines denote having bought or sold twice as many times at that price.
Forex Trade results for the USD/JPY with the forex ladder technique
As you can see, there are more green lines lower (buy low) and more red lines higher (sell high). To see the actual profits on this currency pair for the week, please view the trade log below:
Tradelog for the USD/JPY forex ladder trades
As you can see, these trades netted 287 pips profit in just one week of trading. The best part is this happened with only 10 minutes worth of work per day!

USD/CAD Trade Results

We also followed the USD/CAD last week. You can see the prices we bought & sold at in the image below:
Forex Trades for the USD/CAD using the new forex ladder trading technique
This pair didn’t do as well, it actually sustained a small loss as you can see in the trade log below:
Trade profitability summary for the USD/CAD trades made with the new forex ladder technique
This pair lost 44 pips, which is modest compared to the MASSIVE 282 pip gain on the USD/JPY.

Overall Gain

Overall the Forex Ladder trading technique made 245 pips with less than an hour’s work in a week. This would have grown a forex trading account using proper money management techniques by 4.9%, which is fantastic for an hour’s worth of work.
Every trade was posted IN ADVANCE, BEFORE the trades happened, so this is proven to work.
We’re currently trading different currency pairs using the forex ladder technique in the LIVE Forex Training class. This technique is not available anywhere else. I would love to personally teach you this method when you register for the LIVE Training today :)



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