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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Positive Rapid Forex Review

After blogging for a month, the rapid forex blog is already getting positive reviews on several online forex trading websites. The recent rapid forex review by Forex Signals has already drawn some attention, so I thought I would reciprocate by reviewing their website.

Third Part Forex Recommendations

When visiting Forex Signals at forexena.com, you'll immediately notice an endorsement for FAP Turbo, which is an automated online forex trading robot. They also recommend eToro.com, which I am currently enjoying myself as they may be becoming my new favorite online forex broker.

Forex Signals Directory

The forexena website also has several quick definitions of japanese candlestick formations. These aren't complicated forex trading articles, just simple pictures with 1-2 sentences of explanation. If you want very simple definitions of candle patterns, you might like this section of their website.

There's also a small section on forex economic data, but it's very brief.

Forexena is a Work in Progress

The forexena website is certainly a work in progress. You can see the website has a simple design. The good thing about this is that it's clean & doesn't overwhelm the visitor.

One of the best things about the website is the webmaster, Cheyne. In the short time I've interacted with him through email, he's been quick to respond and very cooperative. He plans to continue building the website into something more substantial over time to better serve the online forex trading community.

Good for Forex Bloggers

If you're also a forex blogger, you may want to get in touch with Cheyne at forexena.com. Perhaps you could review each other's websites and both get some nice exposure! I thought it was worth it to have a review of the rapid forex blog on another online forex trading website. Perhaps you would like it for your forex trading website too!



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