I’ll be teaching even more online forex trading techniques in the 90 day forex trading bootcamp, but now I want to share a concept with you that will help you for the rest of your life.
This starts with a famous story:
The Fable of the Golden Goose
A hundred years ago, there was a farmer that raised geese. One day a special goose wandered into the flock. This goose was a golden goose.The next day the farmer observed that the goose laid a golden egg. The farmer was elated at his newfound fortune. And every day the golden goose laid a new golden egg.
After a few weeks the farmer got greedy. He didn’t want to wait 30 days for 30 eggs. He decided that if he killed the golden goose, he’d have much more than just one egg’s worth of gold, so he KILLED the Golden Goose.
Unfortunately, the farmer didn’t get anymore golden eggs because his golden goose was now dead.
Get Your Own Golden Goose
Wouldn’t it be great to have your own Golden Goose that would lay Golden Eggs for you every day?Well, you can.
So, what is your “Golden Goose?”
Your Golden Goose is a sum of money that you will invest and allow it to grow. Rather than spending this money (killing the Golden Goose), you’ll invest it and only take some of the interest (live off the eggs) that it yields.
If you’re planning to create wealth with online forex trading, then your Golden Goose is your forex trading account balance.
Your Online Forex Trading Account (Golden Goose)
Imagine having $1,000,000 in an online forex trading account. Imagine that you could make 10% per month trading forex online. This would give you $100,000 a month’s worth of “golden eggs.” If you spent the million, you wouldn’t get the golden eggs.Of course 99% of the people reading this right now don’t have $1,000,000 in an online forex trading account, but the analogy still holds.
For you to create wealth & “stop working for money,” you’ll need to create a “Golden Goose.”
Never EVER, EVER Spend Your Forex Trading Capital
This is an important concept. Once you put money into a forex trading account online, you’rem NEVER allowed to spend it!NEVER!!!
If you spend your trading capital, you KILL YOUR GOLDEN GOOSE!
You want to fatten your Golden Goose by allowing your online forex trading account to GROW.
This means that you’ll be taking a PORTION of your PROFITS to SPEND, and REINVESTING a PORTION of your PROFITS to FATTEN the Golden Goose.
Your Forex Trading Legacy
So what happens to the Golden Goose if you can NEVER spend it?Since you don’t know how long you will live, you can’t EVER spend the Golden Goose. You may defy the odds and live to be 120 years old. It would be sad to die in poverty after living a great life for many years.
Since you’ll only be living off of the Golden Eggs, there will be a nice fat Golden Goose left behind when you die. This is your legacy that you’ll pass on to other people.
You’ll want to leave this to your family, or some cause that you believe in. When you do this, you’ll set up a foundation so that you give the gift as the Golden Goose that can keep laying Golden Eggs forever!
You’ll leave a lasting legacy to benefits others indefinitely after you’ve lived your dream life!
In the 90 day forex trading bootcamp, I’ll be teaching you how to grow this Golden Goose and show you how my Golden Goose is growing to lay bigger Golden Eggs!
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