The calculator below is meant to be used with the Forex Sailing (swing trading) video course, but will also be used for Forex Surfing (daytrading).
Here is a quick list of previous Forex Sailing videos:
Download the Forex Sailing Fibonacci Calculator
Option #1: If you use microsoft excel, download the Forex Sailing Fibonacci Calculator in Microsoft Excel Format. If you have any difficulty with the MS Excel version, please use the openoffice version below. I don’t use MS Excel because openoffice is free.Option #2 (recommended): If you don’t have microsoft excel (good for you!):
i.) download & install open office (completely free software)
ii.) download the Forex Sailing Fibonacci Calculator in Open Office format.
How to Use the Forex Sailing Fibonacci Calculator
It’s pretty simple. There are two sheets in the spreadsheet file.- The first sheet is called “Upswing” and has 2 pictures:
- A 2-wave fibonacci pattern for trading the second wave
- A 3-wave fibonacci pattern for trading the third wave
- The first sheet is called “Downswing” and has 2 pictures:
- A 2-wave fibonacci pattern for trading the second wave
- A 3-wave fibonacci pattern for trading the third wave
Using the calculators should be pretty self-explanatory. If you haven’t used a spreadsheet program before, you may want to wait until the next Forex Sailing video (#4), where I’ll show you examples of how to find Forex Sailing trades. I’ll be using the calculator in the video, so you should be able to use it easily after watching that video

The Calculator Also teaches you Forex Sailing
A cool feature of the calculator spreadsheets above are that they actually help you learn Forex Sailing. When you enter the prices you know, it gives you the projection on a picture of your trade! It uses the same picture that is used in the Forex Sailing videos (see below):.
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