Then I Made Money
When I got extremely focused on making money, I made a lot of money….I’ve now reached a point where I can work an hour a day & have plenty of money…so I’m realizing the importance of all those chapters I skipped on “finding your purpose.”
Now What?
Imagine that you have enough money to do whatever you want without working. Then ask yourself this question: “Now What?”I did this about 6 months ago. I discovered that living close to the ocean, having a hot tub, driving around with beautiful scenery, spending time in nature & with great people were important to me. After getting all of that, I find myself asking the “Now What” question again…
When I got out of college, I never thought about what I wanted. I just worked and made money. I found myself a few years ago with a dozen employees, a business partner and working 15 hours a day just to maintain a million dollar a year company, but I wasn’t getting what I wanted. It wasn’t important to me…so I gave it all up!
Determine Your Purpose Now
Forex trading is a great way to make an income. It’s easy to do once you know how to do it. But it’s not something that will satisfy you in life. The money you make with it will only “finance” what you want in life.Ask yourself what you’d do with the money once you’ll get it. This is not a waste of time. It will save you tons of time from working towards something you don’t care about.
Once you have your purpose clearly defined, you’ll be properly motivated to spend the time it takes to become a successful forex trader…you might even find that you’re much closer to what you want than you ever thought possible

You can achieve your dreams with forex freedom, but you have to know what your dreams are first!
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