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Friday, January 2, 2015

The Big Picture

The Big Picture

The Year In News

Posted: 01 Jan 2015 08:30 AM PST

10 New Year’s Day Reads

Posted: 01 Jan 2015 04:00 AM PST

My early New Year’s Day morning reads to help you through the day after the night before:

• In 2014 I Learned That… (Reformed Broker)
• Why 2015 might well be mankind's happiest new year (Spectator)
• The Middle East: Gone as we know it (Al Jazeera) see also Oil finishes a rough 2014 down 46% (MarketWatch)
• Unhedged Predictions for CIOs in 2015 (Chief Investment Officer)
• What If Rates Finally Rise? Since 1955, stock valuations fell during initial rate hikes and mostly continued until the Fed finished the job. (Barron’s)
• An Unserious Look at the Year Ahead: Will Vladimir Putin pose naked to win back Russian affections? Will the iPhone 7 crumble to dust when touched? Will Gisele gripe if Tom Brady loses another Super Bowl? Will China buy Venezuela? (WSJsee also What the Economic Forecasters Got Right—and Wrong—in 2014 (Real Time Economics)
• Five Ways Obama Can Mess with Republicans in 2015 (B Politics)
• The Tech That Will Change Your Life in 2015 (WSJ)
• Our new pro-science pontiff: Pope Francis on climate change, evolution, and the Big Bang (Wonkblog)
• Why Are Resolutions So Hard To Follow?  Willpower isn't the only determinant of resolution success. (Fast Company) see also How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions (Bloomberg View)

What are you doing to start your New Year ?
Average Pre-Election Year vs. Average Year

Source: Chart of the Day




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